Friday, January 27, 2006

Invitation. from riveronmirror to Mr. Yeats' riversoul

hey mr. yeats, would you come to the river on lands and show us 64 bits of .M. ?

(we'll have a whiskyghost corner waiting for you)
12 talk to the riveron

(from linda to netus... and so on, 'till riveron... and so on... )

0 talk to the riveron

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Toth's doll... (she speaks with the birds, in such a lovely way (highway to vitriol))

my name is SOROR - - - ((()()())) - - - - mystica bonita
0 talk to the riveron

Friday, January 20, 2006

--- Fenix, Phoenix, Phenix, Phoinix, Phinix

Entidad familiar a la conciencia mitológica de distintas culturas.
Ave que se consume en sus propias llamas para renacer luego de sus cenizas (bright ashes = stars). Este ciclo se repite eternamente dentro de su existencia fractal. Figura asociada a la rutina solar. Naturaleza andrógina.
Ligado a la inmortalidad y a la pauta arquetípica del renacimiento.

Benu -------- pájaro solar egipcio asociado a Ra, deidad del astro aureo.
Relacionado con la resurrección de Osiris y con Kepera, el dios escarabajo de la vida y la muerte.
“Nace en el amanecer al filo del río Nilo”.
Agenor o Fenix, rey de Fenicia. Su hija fue raptada y seducida por Zeus. El dios tomó antes el cuerpo de un toro para acercarse a Europa. Su unión resultó en el nacimiento del minotauro.
En la Iliada, Fénix, junto con Odiseo y Ajax, es uno de los hombres de Aquiles.
Feng-huang o Fung. La sustancia del fuego.
Una de las cuatro criaturas sagradas. Contraparte femenina del dragón.
El fenix esta constituido por una gran variedad de elementos y tiene cinco colores distintos. Representa la inmensa diversidad del cosmos.
Cabeza --- sol.
Espalda --- luna
Alas --- viento
Cola --- flores y árboles
Patas --- tierra
Dentro del folklor ruso, la figura del fénix se conoce como el ave de fuego o Zhar Ptitsa. A él fue dedicado el ballet de Igor Stravinsky en 1910 “El ave de fuego”.

- Constelación Phoenix. Ubicada en el hemisferio sur, donde puede verse especialmente en verano desde Australia y Sudáfrica. Su presencia se detectó, en occidente, a principios del siglo XVII por dos navegantes alemanes.

- Phoenix, NASA.
Proyecto desarrollado por la University of Arizona para la NASA, que consiste en enviar una nave a Marte para estudiar la historia del H2o en ese planeta. Esta programado para 2007.

- Phoenix Project, SETI
Proyecto del instituto Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, con sede en Mountain View, California. Consiste en detectar intercambios de información extraterrestre, emitida a través de ondas de radio en el espacio. Se ha seleccionado un grupo muestra de cerca de 800 estrellas. Para este proyecto se instaló en 1995, en South Wales, Australia, el radio-telescopio Parkes, que por cierto es el más grande del hemisferio sur.

- The Phoenix and the Turtle. William Shakespeare.

- William Shakespeare, “The Tempest”
Now I will believe
That there are unicorns; that in Arabia
There is one tree, the phoenix' throne; one phoenix
At this hour reigning there.

- The Phoenix Nest (1593) R.S. of the Inner Temple.

- The Phoenix (1940) Sylvia Townsend Warner

- Phoenix 1: The Posthumous papers of D.H. Lawrence. (1972) D.H. Lawrence.

- Phoenix Islands, grupo de ocho pequeñas islas en el oceano pacífico. Actualmente forman parte de Kiribati.

- Phoenix, Arizona. Ciudad capital de Arizona, al sur de los Estados Unidos. Fundada en 1881. En el 2004 tenía cerca de 3,800,000 habitantes (2004). Esta ubicada en el Valley of the Sun a un lado del Salt River. Sus antiguos habitantes fueron los indios Hohokam.
- Phoenix, Illinois
- Phoenix, Maryland
- Phoenix, New York
- Phoenix, Oregon

- Pasarea Phoenix. Banda de rock rumana, que nace a mediados de los 60´s. Sus ritmos fusionan las antiguas tradiciones musicales de la región. En algunos discos aparecen con el nombre de Transilvana Phoenix.
Floarea stancilor 1969
Cantafabule 1975
Transsylvania 1981
Ora-Hora 1999

- Phoenix Suns (NBA) Equipo de básquetbol profesional de Arizona. Perdieron una histórica final, guiados por “Sir” Charles Barkley, frente a los Bulls de Chicago de Michael Jordan.

- Phoenix Television. Compañía televisora de Hong Kong. Tiene como objetivo promover el libre y gratuito flujo de entretenimiento e información, a lo largo del territorio chino.

- Phoenix (Star Trek) En la serie de televisión, la primera nave construida por el ser humano, que logra superar la velocidad de la luz se llama Phoenix.

- Phoenix “Hi no Tori” Serie japonesa de manga (comics). Consiste en doce números pero quedó incompleta frente a la muerte de su autor Osamu Tezuka.

- Phoenix boat
The first steam boat that sailed in open ocean.

- River Jude Phoenix (Bottom). Actor nacido en Madras, Oregon, EU en 1970. Hermano de Joaquin, Summer, Liberty, y Rain. Murió el 31 de octubre de 1993, por un ataque al corazón, a causa de sobredosis, en el Viper Room de LA. Tenía 23 años y en su sange se encontraron niveles de efedrina (cristal meth), valium, mariguana, cocaina y morfina (heroína). River fue defensor de los animales y las causas ambientalistas.
Explorers 1985
Indiana Jones and the last crusade 1989
Running on empty 1988
My own private Idaho 1991

- Joaquin Rafael “kitten” Phoenix. “Leaf Phoenix” Actor nacido en Puerto Rico 1974. Hermano de River, Summer, Liberty, y Rain Phoenix.
Parenthood 1989
My own private Idaho 1991
Even cowgirls get the blues 1993
0 talk to the riveron

HOLOWEEN girl of river (treat)!!!


quetzales fenix rivers

Happy Holoween!!!
she said,
out of the blue flaming bush, sufi
whirling and dj eyescream
with her vinyl silver nail
sending me into vortex swivelling sendero-
girl name Tao pascua robin violet-
riverran down the rabbithole
past Adam and Neo
-garden of Prosperine-
tea with Lao
candle lake,
spinning cups-
the King is death....

spinning haze (low-lit)a purple air
golden apples of the sun
(silver of the moon)
lets go to the woods
to play with spooks...

Holoween by day...
Hamlet's pale-self
infinite space
in a crack-up
caramel or shell.
waves in the willow
catkins floating elves
Einsteins scary hair, lee
whitelectric snowflake scratch
fractal superape perry
scary spaceship
zombie cat from outer space
waking finnegans girl
talking trees
i learned telepathy
from the bees
hanging from (chillin))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
the wheel zodiac synth Isis
Madame Bla Bla bats key tunafish tune attuned aware
sound that dear astral bell.

Yeats masked circus animals march
botargas platonicas, linternas
de cuevas plutonicas
sirenas de neon, antrompomorficas
piedras, estalactitas, el arpa,
la cuerda y el dragón.
G&%%what do you want to be
boing the guanabana siriuscolibri
in the center of suns voy
where alchemy is forged
heavier elements are born
from androgynous hydrogen
to solar rain femenine silver
and silicon Valley of Dolls
and pills a moonpill for me
please Inana, give me
white chocolate dancing skills
aquelarre in Tarkovsky beach
vanilla fire and r&b.

Its Holoween!!!
girl of grass
hologram eyes
softly passed
flashing me...

We play hide-and-seek
while still asleep,
suddenly in the crystal forest,
monks and mummies
confusing monads,
¿somos holones o no?
hologoblins germlins
in the jelly of Alcyone.
Shimmering in the east
pumpkin in the sky
(give me my candy treat)
Alex Gray jaws chakrahorse
orange(sun)crush driving force
sound of laughter
quick, now, ever...
and she´s in the lilactree
wicca wicca
burning koala
eyes of Lemuria
arrow of the little-god
finds me.

Very Hallow Holo Hi
very hallow holo hi
girls pass bye
say-sailing the blazing breeze
bye and bye
so many as the leafs
and all the same
with costumes
priestess wedding
the heavens to the ground:

0 talk to the riveron

Thursday, January 19, 2006

rising rye

catched a ghost in the rye...
(now it smells like soft spirit)
astral body (cuantic cyan (kind of unreasonable love between us())
the rye rising for riveron efforts (windy laughing for the hologram)
in lakech
0 talk to the riveron

mantra from riveron lands

a riverous chant:
from forms to mirrors

river ride the river on
awakening mantra (soft and golden)
river ride the river on
crow lays on ludic ground
river ride the river on
trinity unity, one to three symbols
river ride the river on
heartly toughts
river ride the river on
belly's jelly growing tenderly
river ride the river on
a school class in Efeso on St. Paul’s day
river ride the river on
Anu’s daughter has a secret garden
river ride the river on
Castor, Polux, and us, con al-cohol árabe en lemuria
river ride the river on
ego sum qui sum (collective starship)
river ride the river on
ma(gic)ke it happen
river ride the river on
dragon verdevora sol
river ride the river on
liquid paradox, sincere tear
river ride the river on
glimmering wisdom (breakfast at Zion)
river ride the river on
femenine planetary courage,
river ride the river on
shakti -acting- visual freedom
river ride the river on
777, as androgynous sinchronicity
river ride the river on
holohappenings' party
river ride the river on
river forever ride forever the river on
1 talk to the riveron



so Terence speaks in Palenque´s psylocibin drift...
monkie holoballoo, sara-wato sage, THEY go out of their limits, for days, looking
for stale fruit... just to intoxicate, catch a glimpse of otherworldness...

so Terenece says in the african grasslands of the Great Horned Goddess, language became... holy cowshit.. milenniums dust, energy, spores, the passenger spoke...

Everytime I see a mushroomcloud i know... novelty, concrescensce...
I can read d Escathon
(skid the sky or die) heaven is the mansion inside the mustardseed
a thousand buddhas whirling in the dust
Sunyata secret roar
cock of gold (el amanecer) "el mar de testiculos de oro" dice Haroldo
let the waves say the word that is sex with the air
coatl copulate with the invisble Flaming Lip
now quantum warrior

bird of the underworld
bird in the motherboard
bird buried in the void (jeweled bird)

fly and say (ceiba syllables)

“… and if you know the words that the world is made of…”
Vitriol Crane paraphrase : you can play
"reality is whatever you can get away with.."
the game break into the(chaosmic)egg
lotus lotery: you can win Padmes plenty
Lot´s wife -lux et voluptas-
(know the patterns, know the waves)
but something better hides

"beyond the binary state"
we should go where paradox leads oz
"the way that can be spoken of is not the Way"
the tao that can be taoed is not the...

irreolute in nothingness i stand to decipher the language of the stars
(which always reveal my name) astrolabios se leen
no puedo salir de la red
cuyo nombre es Espejo de Hermes
para leer hay que dejarse caer, en la sangre amarilla,
en el foton fetal, ¿que dice la placenta ourobhorica?
el universo se quiere autodevorar, el fenix incendiar-
beso la cola del quetzal.

O el lenguaje de las aves, fina escritura eólica:

Thoth saw them flying and grabbed a feather and drew
as following a telegraphic mirror-like intuition,
the words: Hiburu, the bird:light.

in the screen of clouds
in the byblos of sky
birds write as they ride "ride the raven
together 's... blueblack infinite"
system of signs, their flight
is collective mind mirror´s dance

Know that text secret reader (hermenauta)
-birds-hieroglyphs- river -ibis- in aether
the reification of spirit
silence (the door out of the text)
(the glow in the paradox)
time stops like in a movie
where the character steps out of himself
to contemplate the end

What is out there?
but a bigger bird(th?)
body that contains it (qbit), the isness of the otherness,
Jung said "the UFO is the mirrour of our soul"
Borges "una esfera (tornasol) cuyo centro está en todas partes
y su circunferencia en ninguna".

O greater bird (i think of a malayan tiger called undeath,
of Ezekiel´s burning spacecraft)
Eagle of Energy (as Castaneda leaped into the abyss, falling, a radiant
eagle davoured him) we feather you (iridescent infinty)
we fade into you. We remain?
in abstarct flight, in the holosyntactical sentence,
constellated, logosbreath.
Disembodied meme, livin only in the link of the web,
is it the same?

como afuera, adentro

esmeralda en mi pecho sin cuerpo
"boy the void is bright"
Bohm, vacuum, Bohr azor
go, intrauterus Beyoncie
born from quantumfoam
i go deeper than my cells
where you ask
if i utter the word: i am the world

un águila en la falda de Guadalupe
in the abyss-me of she
el fondo de coral luminoso
las estrellas en el polvo

inmenso animal: el silencio cósmico
utter us
alpha virgin aleph
0 talk to the riveron

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Dr. Albert Hoffman´s Birthday

The 11:11 family, strange loops parade (pyramid pi-llama) and flying bikes, (who knows not that smiling green sun gyring like a wheel, candy silverine in your mouth?) REPORTS: DR.Albert Hoffman the proud father of L.S.D. (his problem child, our mystic joy) turned 100 years old last wednesday, 1-11, we apologize to the cyberethereal Sunyata kids and cool cats who follow the glow of the lysergic molecule for our spectral godspeed -delayed in Napoleonic satori- we were probably forever, spliff and windmill giant butterfly fishing, Dr. Gonzo and firefly River lobbed us. Still we celebrate the birthday of the great swiss inventor (swiss means peace), who first synthetized L.S.D. more than sixty years ago. In honor of Grandpa Hoffy we name this day the day of l.s.d in all of the galaxy (Utopus Urantia):

liquid sky designs
lucy in the sky with diamonds
el es divino
el es distinto
el es dionisio
libelula sincronica dinamizada
luz de sirius deliriums
lobe super
los angeles

to be continued....
0 talk to the riveron

A (the) Mother (sacred), in need of warriors (quantic ones)

Invitación alakash (party in Alaska, the dj is an iceberg, sweet technopale melodies, ice in my eyes, hey guys!, frozen furniture for everyone!!!!!!)
Sincronías del maiz (indigo roots) (beyond any binary state)

Ride the river…
Ride the raven…

Because rivers and ravens are writtable creatures,
“… and if you know the words that the world is made of…”
lenguaje allowing realities, codification of escenaries
(thank you writtable creatures)
blueblack infinite,
teaching, invoquing sky´s highlights,

Master Riley´s rainbow
Soft loop as curved air
En infinito no hay debilidades ( there´ll be no fruitcake (nor mysticism) for those who fear)
Weakness in fractal is only an anti-myth (stops producing realities)
mhmm, you´ll sure meet him.
Should never underestimate its presence, but also remember that the name of fear, is not that of awareness.

(but, master, where is my loop-ticket to sky?)
That´s bullshit my son. YOU ARE the loop-ticket)
: Ok
((((((((((((((((((((((((((accept the responsability)

And so Gaia needs to hear, again, the echoes of Quetzal-coan-atl,
(maybe wind´s predilect son (or is it father?)
that help sostain the 4 candles (one giving light to every cardinal point)
gather for planetary breaths (hada.inhala.hada),
renew mythical foundations
and, son, don´t talk to much…

(easy happy face) (hoy por ti-mañana por ti)

…………………… Gaia-bonita-Gaia)

. . vvvvv V ^^^^^ Ç^*Ç****
0 talk to the riveron


In a spirit of entelechy dreamcreation -sending (chaotician control) remote IBIS birds into the wells of decision, of karma, of Anubis, and of Akash- we have come up with a list or prayer (inverse thunder) a sort of moving crystalball of words and prophecy: quantum voodoo thoughts thrown at the temple of the future: at ourselves, breaking the mirror opening the sea walking over water floating in the air; to see the future as an extension of ourselves, spaceship of our
vortex-plexus, violet ectoplasm of our will, protean prosthesis Kronenberg (mountain of time) timemachine, psychedelic clay -chemical kindergarden-, smiling faster-than-light cat, the stellae of our mescaline breath blowing deers in the wind, to tread the path before
as we join our dreambeings and go beyond….

So be it: glossolalia incantation reef: 2006
Year of the Dog
Sirius be with us. (Wizard and Brightest Star let us ride the Eye in the Sky into the I-inside
from the silver surfer and the swan
to the center of the galaxy, whirl oz through)

We ask the Three Wise Men (Orion’s Belt) to show us the spiral path and the sci-fi tech, to take our wishes far and fast and fly with them into the womb of creation in Gaia’s blue liquid room. So the hummingbird hits the bull’s-eye and nests in the holographic lotus, quick in the silver blood of sap, eversurprised at “the deeper you go the wider it gets” infinite glow of the sorcerers door , golden ladder of ayahuasca, magic mezzanine, jaguar-mouth, into the axis tree, rosa mundi, final fantasy where the seven silver sisters dream geneticfields for us to be. And to enter their dreams, subtle seas weaved, and to wake in there dreams gnostically (like cobraforce release, Kundalini kids). We ask you, Wizards of Trinity, for your charms, your gold, your incense (in-séance), the gestalt constellation of your alchemy; the marriage of fire and water: soft fire, childhood fountains, Atlantis, liquid light, dolphinwine, love of the dog and the rats -white blazing wing of Blake-, love of the god (dess) and the stars, in excess and transparence, palace walls cleansed, perception whizz jazz symphfinite, the world as it is:

We ask you also for other gifts, kind of anecdotic, playful spiders, into the galactic-all pharmacy, under the counter hydrophonia Thoth´s grail
todunidos por la hermandad holotrópica y el sonido futuro
del agua del brujo y l´aguja del demiurgo.

We ask like children in tropical fever, faithful, that we see unicorns
purple poppies, everpopping in the salad, in the mandala, near the swimming pool, as I drink elixir with you (which means exit the wheel of suffering, Buddha vodka and tangerine tree).

Unity in chaos (tragos cruzados, in-lackech brindis, balamquetzal, en el tapete del Nintendo volar, mandelbrotar del primer mar mermaidmermelade wildest fandango).

Unity in thought (in a silence kind of way, crows telepathic twilight entangles, rhizome of arms, roots, mandrake blasts, crossfiring synaptic bonanza baraka: the deepest crystal resonance).

Unity in fight (or flight, of the first Osiris, (again) against our own witchcraft, matrix boomerangs -psystembuster subtle dance behind the dragon’s eyes, near the palmtrees, unnoticed, ninja gazelle with the queen’s jewels in his mind, metalinguistic juggling of sliding doors, cocktail at hand, diving into the sea of Fermi, free).

We ask O Baltazar
For things to change
color the streets are white, the sun is green (naranja azul, la poesía) electric kauyumari, sunset soup, my feet leave fruits in the ground, jellyfish and maíz, in the sky rains avocado, and everybody is a quetzal as they wake (Kafka too), to stare at the girl with rainbow eyes -jade river-, first thing you do, shake dreams from your hair(ololiuqui weeds), choose the day, the day´s divinity.

We ask for sneakers to the moon, Jordan-air meets Mercury, sandals of wind, blow near us golden comb, Echo. Or Arabian cloudy carpets, nierika spacelifts, candy wings.

Hey Helium Elysium BALLOON

We ask to know (the song) WHO ARE YOU WHO ARE YOU?
me mingled with the mink of Ishtar soham.

That we learn to use the embedded wisdom (sewn thunderlight)of mirrors and all kinds of crystals. Phillipus Aurorus has one that is a sword or even a phone electricum magicum that, as Donnie Darko knows, is everwhere, in the holostardust. So I send my emberdreamquartz to the lapislazuli girl who is the stone I am the stone lapis philosophorum phosphorescent sperm in Holopolis.

That (for kicks for music muscaria) Mozart´s indigo blooms, learn to use protools, and quantum base Logic, so d.n.a sounds great, and orphic resonance reigns as cosmogenesis draws (DAWNS) near.

That we all learn from our multiverse fronts to make holograms. Meeting without moving teleonimic Aleph´s, Indra pearls, our nagual streams, Through art we are. Through all we act.

That the butterfly screams at the ear of the sleeping beauty diamond snow, melting sun at her ear, lifting and giving light the secret of Ishtar-Aztlan.

That the river finds its phoenix, nestling on the surface, inhaling cascades and pumadust, flapping its wings as Stravinsky pulls the chords and fire ignites water, seventh seal. We all jump holoceanically into turquoise bliss.

That the mirror becomes a river; the river a sea.
That we all see through the looking-glass what Alice saw in the stars.

Thank thee Alcyione Allisone.
2 talk to the riveron

hic pueri piruetas (de neto pal riveron)

Casi como catéteres lunares,
catárticos sirios
sibaritas que palpan palabras
quieren trocar el trueno por trombas de esperma sagrada.

que no agalla
ni llanto,
Sólo salpica escamas cárdenas
(lepodoptera in nymphae mutabam)

in cuicatl canto, cicnus
de coral calcáreo
Rocío silente de baba muktananda

esparcido al aire la tarde del 11 de julio
cuando el niño, (hic pueri piruetas)
perdió el temple y las corneas (11 53 57)
con coronas (13 24 12)
y perlas de Baily (14 47 36)
en el espejo de 1991.
0 talk to the riveron

“ Voices from the edge : FAIRY TOUGHTS AND SMOKY MIRRORS” (part I)

Andogina luminae.
Constelación-Camino en azufre y mercurio, patrón reflejado con naturaleza tatuaje.
Vi un cielo tatuado en un planeta… over and over. Así fue mapeado…
Disuelve Tehuti, disuelve-nostrum
Entre las piernas de gaia, el pajaro Ibis anida…
El tres veces grande (net architect)
Configura los espejos sobre la tabla verde fractal: son trece superficies, una al final de cada surco, 13 surcos en el útero de la tierra.

As is above… so is below.

Mente cristal: entrimigestada
Conciencia quetzal: crea recipientes de luz: lux perpetua
Amentis diamante ---------- (pray-mantis) rezemos)
mente endiamantada, mente como diamante, y sí, puede cortarse.
… ! encuarzemosnos! Enmagika
Seven Sin Souls, NOTHING IS BEYOND UNITY todo queda en ethereo registro………………………………………… …………………………………………………………….some kind of akashic feelings
In my dream, i shared some stardust with someone… todos somos David Bowie.
Your mission: take Hawai corporeity from things, add some spirit to the body.

Uno ojo de oro puede iniciar caminos de magia, como al alejandrojodorovsky.
melodia: “espejo akashico, regresame a atlántida, espejo lunoso, encuentra mi ombligo…”De pronto, radio destruido, bien sabes que la mermelada de memoria jamás dejará de escucharse, orinas los restos del artefacto (fáctico orinable) y sales confiado a caminar, sabes que nunca esta solo… a cada paso un planeta recien configurado, en unos cien años según Sheldrake, le creo, … la conciencia humana como unidad hololúdica.

“future aint is what it used to be”…….
always that everchanging glance
I wanna live in Notre Dame forever, may I father?
… Quizá sea hora de comenzar a desleer los textos ¡”···$%&%%/)(¿¿¿*^¨Ñ_:;
in search of transforming the heavenly mirror tattoo.

enus V
1 talk to the riveron

Sunday, January 15, 2006

some say silence is the K

Some say silence is the key word and Ouroborus our secret.
Search for truth (which its purest form unites with an also precious lie)
maybe inside uterus (holostardust) unlimited matrix

Take a visit to your VENTRAL WINDMILL (como tierra humeda).
Remember the hologram´s skin reflects all vital sounds.

Sometimes amorphous,
sometimes melancholic…
hey crystal lady: why don’t we share some info?

And so wisdom has its own color beneath the mermaids skin… it kindly follows the fractal chorus…
and the why? .. it has no answers my child…
... Apparently, naïve melodies could scream you to death

Catch the ghost in the rye. You will notice his expressions are unique,
silver swan has also bluevelvet eyes, ((the real magic of parallel existence))

Vanishing “house of the rising sun”
Solstice body, sewing skies (why could it be?)

A drop of conciousness inside every iris? (we could all love the game)

Dream a web
Weave a dream
silence highway


0 talk to the riveron

Mirrors from paradise now

so i got the butter for headphones holding my drums
(like Odysseus cabbage-patch)
do they exist
the sirens
the butterflys from Sirius
sound in my eyes
sirens coral chorus
what should we do?
yes the waves say
ride the skysnake
with Hermes and her
at the back of your neck (coxis axis)
Ares and Aphrodite
are one like sea is azure
for sure code breaks and anwsers in the sand
sand falls stars gold fools dogs drugs are in the air
Paracelsus ionic belt hangs from a garden
near Ninive
to the navel near nexus aetheral ay
ey eli eliohim
elysium feels like your knees deeper
(when we
levitate, when we levitate)
am i also the siren like the red star is the blue star
the observer and the observed
the voice crying in the desert and the crying ear crystal
are alice and the cat the same smile inside a can?
and can we dream oneness as we expand?
go deeper as we follow the glow
of the river that has many arms
like Siva
but has Ishtar in the looking-glass
go deeper as the river goes
deeper than the rock that stands
in the rocks frozen dance
dive so the quartz is liquid light
and memory is a constant flash
Akash house
open bar its open for everyone the hologram
hold to that ethereal hand body and soul sunny kite
bards fly inside trees they hack into the sap and river
down into the sky river
oholy spirit little thunderdove t h e
mirror is open
we have winged feet mercury is me
the mirror is open
0 talk to the riveron

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Inner melodies I

================================== =======================
====================================================== ======================= ======================== =======================
Sirens crawling, deep inside my ears…
but, do they really exist?, i mean, my ears, are they real? … And what the fuck am I?
maybe = universe

I am a sound, you know,,,,,,,,,,, we all are, crawling siren sounds.
And that’s why I don’t believe in Yoko
… she sound’s like a building. ((Dark Dakota could be crying at this instant…. ))

IntRo in search of cultural amnesia

??? ?
? ???
??? ?

let there be at least, seven models, breathes, for everything, Hagakure-Wilson.

Metaprogramming an octave of energy

evolutionary wave,
- ride it,
- im trying,
- Do it. -------------------------------------(future’s architecture)

“life as we know it” … quite smaller than we think, it is the concept that punishes us,
faces, we know it
releasing your senses towards happening
spaces, who follows?

(try fonetic realities)

why? because of the white sounds,

It is a gift, you know, it Is the Infinite Heart Cinema

----3-----1--------3 -------V
0 talk to the riveron

leT The loTus leT us love iT

Letthelotusletusloveit tievolsutelsutolehtteL


Flourishing of a collective soul, it is said to be…
I just want to live in a pyramid way, life as s3Δ3s)(like occult masters have whistled)(-------------------------------------------
Really (reality of possibilities),
I don´t want no more plasma awareness, (nothing personal), ---------------------------------just wishing kind of planetary-poetry existence
- psiscience -

And where is the natura, at Uranus?
I´ll make some holes in my habitus.
Mountains make me cry –(unreasonable sincerity),
some silence(shhh) lessons, --- they never leave without a trace ----
Como guerrero que cultiva un espejo de maiz
(cornskin-maizpíritu, my spirit)
The context is no context, just click the belly.

(((Read the sacred letters:
androgynous geometry and textual kindness of a celt chimeney, )))
The soul architect seems like a bone serpent,
Kundal spinning into so much symbols,
(Mucha drawing secret girls)
Its like an oddisey to El Cairo, (save a bit of goat milk inside your closet)
(Odysseus did)

Idle words should stay at salty corners – (life as cliche can kill all vital mistery)
Between the Machu Pichuu´s and the Sillicon Valley´s shamans (digitaliza las hebras… amamanta el-la Mandala)).

And hey Eno, why don´t you play some nice vibes while we grow wild. (Kind of maternal mood: electric one)
Some crazy, some say lazy,
Caress the parallel existence, your hands wide open to eveningIshtar, --------------- as a digital virgin ----------
Skies are duplicating your feet (2¿2),
invoque a mental parade… drop it, find Mercurie´s nest,


(eLe elegante


Weave dear Prudence´s laughter (and then there´s loco´s bubblegum)
(he shall give birth to his own Belorofont (maybe unicorn) ------------ alex, al (chemy) ex, exHale alchemy alex -3- Hg –4-).
embrace planets, gift a glance to the dice twins (chaos cute babies)
--- (images-silver-feathers)

(the swan is on its ventral way,
it is unstoppable)
… we´ll surf threw new unkingdoms,
sons and daughters of the mystical flower!!!

leT The loTus leT us love iT.

leT The loTus, leT us love iT.

4 talk to the riveron

moon phases
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