Saturday, June 03, 2006

river on lyric

Green Sun Blues

............................... yax-kin..........

Sing the green sun blues with me
Sing the green sun blues with me

I feel night will tear us apart
That night with a knife
And not with a blade of grass
Will sever our paths

That it is not to be seen
It is not to be seen
The green light of blazing day
Demeter is not here to takes us away

Only the wrath of the Cave God
Is here to break us down
Gorging the sun with its black gown
Burying us into bleakest ground

Sing the green sun blues with me
Sing the green sun blues with me

That there's somewhere we could go
And eat a green plant and glow
Where night could not find us
For the light would river-us

We would flow into the sun
if only our mirror were a door

I had a dream that we had a boat
Where we would both float
Into summer gold
glimmering in silent song

Sing the green sun blues with me
Sing the green sun blues with me

We would flow into the sun
If only our mirror were a door

If only we could go to the grass
Past the glow of the looking-glass
0 talk to the riveron


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